Spurious LL/SC failures

It is impractical for CPU hardware to track load-linked addresses for each byte within a system due to the immense resource requirements. To mitigate this, many processors monitor these operations at a broader scale, like the cache line level. Consequently, a SC operation may fail if any part of the monitored block is written to, not just the specific address that was load-linked.

This limitation poses a particular challenge for operations like compare and swap, highlighting the essential purpose of compare_exchange_weak. Consider, for example, the task of atomically multiplying a value without an architecture-specific atomic read-multiply-write instruction.

void atomicMultiply(int by)
    int expected = foo;
    // Which CAS should we use?
    while (!foo.compare_exchange_?(expected, expected * by)) {
        // Empty loop.
        // (On failure, expected is updated with foo's most recent value.)

Many lockless algorithms use CAS loops like this to atomically update a variable when calculating its new value is not atomic. They:

  1. Read the variable.
  2. Perform some (non-atomic) operation on its value.
  3. CAS the new value with the previous one.
  4. If the CAS failed, another thread beat us to the punch, so try again.

If we use compare_exchange_strong for this family of algorithms, the compiler must emit nested loops: an inner one to protect us from spurious SC failures, and an outer one which repeatedly performs our operation until no other thread has interrupted us. But unlike the _strong version, a weak CAS is allowed to fail spuriously, just like the LL/SC mechanism that implements it. So, with compare_exchange_weak, the compiler is free to generate a single loop, since we do not care about the difference between retries from spurious SC failures and retries caused by another thread modifying our variable.