
Relaxed atomic operations are useful for variables shared between threads where no specific order of operations is needed. Although it may seem like a niche requirement, such scenarios are quite common.

Refer back to our discussions on chapter Atomicity and read-modify-write operations, where a worker thread increments a counter that a UI thread then reads. In this case, the counter can be incremented using fetch_add(1, memory_order_relaxed) because the only requirement is atomicity; the counter itself does not coordinate synchronization.

Relaxed operations are also beneficial for managing flags shared between threads. For example, a thread might continuously run until it receives a signal to exit:

atomic_bool stop(false);

void worker()
    while (!stop.load(memory_order_relaxed)) {
        // Do good work.

int main()
    // Wait some...
    stop = true; // seq_cst

We do not care if the contents of the loop are rearranged around the load. Nothing bad will happen so long as stop is only used to tell the worker to exit, and not to “announce” any new data.

Finally, relaxed loads are commonly used with CAS loops. Return to our lock-free multiply:

void atomicMultiply(int by)
    int expected = foo.load(memory_order_relaxed);

    while (!foo.compare_exchange_weak(
        expected, expected * by,
        memory_order_relaxed)) {
        /* empty loop */

All of the loads can be relaxed as we do not need to enforce any order until we have successfully modified our value. The initial load of expected is not strictly necessary but can help avoid an extra loop iteration if foo remains unmodified by other threads before the CAS operation.